A Week in the Life: Friday Highlights

24 Apr

Five collages came together from Friday’s adventures. Here they are, words and images together.

Our day started with our weekly parent-child preschool program.
Lyra picked the dress and quit her art project as soon as she got
ink on her hands. This is typical. An underexposed shot of me
blowing my nose. Allergies are in full effect.  Leftover minestrone
soup and another turkey sandwich for lunch.

Pizza Friday is a long, running tradition for us. My allergies
and an earlier wakeup time, have eaten up my patience.
My daughter has put on a crazy outfit and is screaming in the
pizza restaurant, and I am self-concious and exhausted.
My mood is extra foul. We don not have a good dinner.

Rather than go home, I drive us to a park, unannounced.
I want to shake the crankiness, and go into the weekend
on a positive note.

I think it worked.

Bath. Stories. Bed time. One Boy is always in heavy rotation.
This is the second time we have checked out Little Hoot from
the library. She has memorized it and loves reading it to us.